Gifts and Donations Policy
East Greenwich Free Library acknowledges the great importance of gifts and donations to the Library’s future growth and development. In recognition of such, the Library welcomes gifts of cash and library materials. These gifts help enrich and improve the Library’s resources.
The Library has limited capacity to accept donations of materials such as books and DVDs. We can accept up to one bag or one small box of materials per patron per week (subject to change). Once donated, all materials become library property and cannot be returned. Donations may be added or removed from our collection. Donated items may also be sold in the library book sale or discarded.
Unrestricted monetary gifts are gratefully accepted by the library to be used at its discretion. Unrestricted funds allow the Library to address its most pressing needs. The Library Director will consult with the Library Board of Trustees on the use of gifts greater than $5,000
Gifts-in-kind (i.e., furnishings, equipment, art, and other decorative objects) and all gifts of consequence (i.e., real property, stocks, annuities, and large monetary gifts) will be considered individually and accepted at the discretion of the Library Board of Trustees, in consultation with the Library Director.
The Library Board reserves the right to refuse any gift. Because the Library does not serve the function of a museum, gifts of items for permanent display or preservation are not normally accepted.
Donations to the library are evaluated in the same way as purchased materials, in accordance with the East Greenwich Free Library’s Collection Development Policy. If an item does not meet the collection development criteria or is otherwise not needed by the library, it will be sold or discarded.
General Guidelines
In general East Greenwich Free Library is happy to accept the following materials in good condition and less than five years old:
- Hardcover and paperback books for adults, teens and children
- DVDs and audiobooks
Sadly, we cannot accept the following:
- Textbooks, Encyclopedias, magazines and newspapers
- Puzzles, games, and toys
- Artwork
Donations are accepted at East Greenwich Free Library during normal business hours. Please do not leave donations in the library book drop.
For the most part, donated materials are not added to the collection, but instead sold by the library to generate a small stream of operating revenue. Materials that cannot be used or sold will be discarded. Criteria that determines whether or not an item is discarded include: the condition and age of, as well as demand for the item.
Library bookplates will be placed in library materials purchased with gift funds, format permitting. Programs and services made possible by gift funds will include recognition of such benefactors in the supporting literature. The Library will acknowledge each gift with a letter to the donor and the honoree (or the family of a deceased honoree).
The library does not appraise items donated, as it is prohibited by law.
Monetary Donations:
Unrestricted monetary gifts will be used at the discretion of the Board in accordance with this gift policy. Monetary gifts given without restriction will be utilized to purchase materials or equipment, support Library programs, or in other ways that the Board deems appropriate.
Monetary gifts offered with specific restrictions, including endowment funds, require Board approval of such restrictions before the gifts are accepted by the Board. Restricted donations will be accepted on the condition that the specific use requested is consistent with the mission of the Library. If a donor wishes to make a substantial gift, please contact the Library Director.
Gifts may be refused if an expenditure of library funds and/or staff time is necessary to make the gift usable. The Library does not guarantee the purchase of specifically identified titles with such funds.
Donation of Materials:
No gifts are accepted unless given to the Library without restriction. All gifts may be utilized, sold or disposed of in the best interest of the Library. All donations are accepted only if the Library Director or the Board of Trustees determine that they can be utilized by, or benefit the Library.
The Library provides receipts to donors for tax purposes. Federal regulations prohibit the library from giving estimates of value for donated materials.
Approved by the EGFL Trustees 02/2025