If interested, the RIRRC will be hosting the presentation for the public on Thursday, November 14th from 6:30-7:30 PM. You can register for that presentation using the following link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3922348744909231449
Reducing Food Waste: Practical Tips and Tools with RIRRC
Date: Tuesday, September 17th
Time: 6:00 – 7:00 pm
Location: VIRTUAL – via GoToWebinar
Cost: Free
Register HERE
Join us for an insightful presentation on food waste and its impact.
Discover how food waste happens, the significant effects it has on the environment, and effective strategies to minimize waste in your own home.
Learn how reducing household food waste not only helps lower the amount of waste sent to landfills—where it contributes to methane emissions—but also saves you money by preventing edible food from going to waste.
This will be a VIRTUAL program. Tune in from the comfort of your own home! This program is FREE, but registration is required so that we can send a link to attend online.